Shalya Tantra  

Home Shalya Tantra  

 We have a well-established department for Shalya Tantra, that focuses on clinical aspects, academic progress and research feasibility of surgical diseases in Ayurveda.   

Department is concerning with the various surgical aspects of Ayurvedic system and granting high quality patient care, training, teaching, and conducting various research activities. Outpatient department operates upon different levels including screening, diagnosis, treatment and prophylactic approaches.    

  • Prime areas focused by the department includes Fracture healing, Pain management in soft tissue injuries with integrated approach of Physiotherapy, Various types of Ulcer management, Screening, diagnosis and management of Anorectal disorders like Hemorrhoids, Fistula in Ano, Fissure in Ano, Pilonidal Sinus and Postoperative pain management.  
  • Effective utilization of parasurgical measures like Agnikarma, Raktamokshana and Ksharakarma in management of various ailments like anorectal disorders, Ulcers and Varicose vein is practicing on IPD and OPD levels. Ksharasutra therapy is also successfully practicing in the department under the guidance of experts for various anorectal disorders.

Following are few of the services provided by the department:  


  • Ano-rectal examination for accurate diagnosis of the diseases, in a fully-fledged
  • Conservative & surgical management of fissure-in-ano.
  • Conservative & surgical management of haemorrhoids.
  • Surgical management of fistula- in -ano. 
  • Counselling for life style modifications to prevent relapse 
  • Customised diet chart for patients
  • Yoga postures that support rehabilitation
  • In house preparation of medicines like Chandanadi ointment, Murivenna ointment, Triphala Mashi, Gontaphaladi Varti for post-surgical wound healing.


  • Agnikarma for pain management in conditions like sciatica, plantar fasciitis, tenosynovitis etc. 
  • Jaloukavacharna for conditions like Hidradenitis suppurativa, chronic ulcers, acne, hypothyroidism etc
  • Kshara karma for management of ano-rectal diseases and in callous ulcers.  
  • Marma manipulation for pain management in conditions like cervical spondylitis, sciatica, fibromyalgia, soft-tissue injury etc.
  • Raktamokshana in conditions like varicose vein, migraine headache, chronic ulcers, plantar fasciitis etc. 
  • Minor surgical procedures like corn excision and wart excision etc. Specialty Centre for


  • Treatment of various acute and chronic wounds and ulcers are being carried out in the Dept. of Shalya Tantra.
  • Acute cases of wound due to sports injuries, accidental wound, or industrial wounds are managed with emergency care and sutures.
  • Chronic ulcers like diabetic ulcers, venous ulcers, arterial ulcers, pressure ulcers are managed by Ayurveda treatment procedures and principles.   
  • Wound assessment and management based on TIME principles: tissue debridement, infection or inflammation, moisture balance and edge effect. 
  • Selection of appropriate dressings and techniques based on assessment and scientific evidence. 
  • It involves wound procedures carried out by maintaining bacterial balance- using aseptic techniques.


  • Exclusively provides diagnosis and treatment for musculoskeletal system related problems.   
  • Emergency orthopedic care includes acute trauma care and urgent general orthopedic care delivering in hospital casualty. 
  • Providing safe, high quality emergency orthopedic care.  
  • Complete examinations for orthopedic conditions like fracture, dislocation, post fracture complications and other orthopedic pathologies.  
  • Perform radiological examinations for the accurate diagnosis of orthopedic conditions, especially fracture.   
  • POP as well as murivenna bandage for the management of simple fracture. 
  • Providing Conservative and physiotherapic management for post fracture complications. 
  • Providing Safe and effective methods of fracture rehabilitative care.  
  • Fracture care and counselling.  
  • Diet and regiments for orthopedic patients.   


  • Urological examinations for different pathologies related to urinary system.  
  • Conservative management for systemic urological pathologies.   
  • Effective conservative management for BPH.
  • Providing safe management for urinary calculus.
  • Conservative management for complications of systemic pathologies like proteinuria etc. 
  • Conservative management for obstructive uropathy and dysuria.  
  • Diet for urologic conditions. 


  • Ano rectal examination  
  • Kshara sutra therapy  
  • Fistulotomy  
  • Fissurectomy and sphincterotomy
  • Hemorrhoidectomy  
  • Ksharasutra ligation of Hemorrhoids  
  • Anal infiltration  
  • Wound dressing
  • Abscess drainage 
  • Wart/ corn/ keloid/skin tag/nail bed excision
  • Para surgical procedures