Prasuti Tantra and Sthree roga

Home Prasuti Tantra and Sthree roga

We have a well-established department for Streeroga & Prasuti Tantra which deals with clinical, academic and research aspects of Gynecology and Obstetrics in Ayurveda. 

Majority of the gynecological complaints are dealt with utmost care by the specialists in our hospital with timely referral and integrated medical care.Specialty consultation in our OPD includes pain management in endometriosis, management of bleeding disorders such as DUB, fibroid etc, infectious diseases of genital area, endocrine disorders like PCOD, Pelvic organ prolapse. 

We also offer specialized gynecological checkups that has to be done routinely. Specialty clinic for the management of infertility in which each couple is given special attention and their treatments are customized based on their needs by the experts in the department.We have a unique service of antenatal care in which diet and medications purely based on ayurvedic principles are taught and advised in a customized manner in order to maintain the nutritional requirements of pregnant women. We give priority for the diet and exercise for postpartum women too at OPD level. We have a unique service of postpartum care in our inpatient department with individualistic approach. We give equal importance for counselling, food habits and exercise along with medications in our approach.

The following are the services provided by the department: 


  • Preconception care and counselling.
  • Antenatal examinations
  • Perform biochemical assessment of early pregnancy
  • Management of maternal illness during pregnancy like LBA, vomiting and bowel problems due to hemorrhoids and fissures, dermatological conditions and genito urinary infections during pregnancy.  


  • Management of normal puerperium including perineal care and pelvic exercises which helps in proper involution and weight reduction along with neonatal care.  
  • Management of breast problems like infection of breast, nipple crack and reduced breast milk. 
  • Post abortion care


  • Perform genital examinations, biochemical assessment and histopathological test for gynecological disorders 
  • Prompt diagnosis, management and counselling for adolescent gynecological disorders 
  • Management of endocrine disorders - PCOD, Hirsutism, Thyroid disorders etc. 
  • Menstrual disorders like amenorrhea and DUB
  • Pelvic pain and endometriosis
  • Vaginal discharges 
  • Take urogynecological history and carry out appropriate general and pelvic floor examination.
  • Assess pelvic floor strength and manage uterovaginal prolapse like cystocele 
  • Urinary infections
  • Recognize and manage the clinical presentations of non-STD genital infections as bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis and genital candidiasis 
  • Infertility 
  • Take history and examine a couple presenting with infertility.
  • Arrange basic investigations.
  • Counsel couples about diagnosis and management options. 
  • Preconceptional care prior to normal pregnancy / assisted pregnancy like IUI, IVF etc.  
  • Gynecological oncology 
  • Diagnosis, prevention, screening and management of premalignant conditions of: vulva, vagina, uterus, cervix, and ovaries. 
  • Perform cervical cytology (PAP test) and human papillomavirus (HPV) test   
  • Recognize and counsel about premalignant conditions with appropriate referral to medical oncology and radiotherapy.
  • Screening for benign and malignant conditions of breast. 


  • Yoni prakshalana/Parisheka 
  • Yoni Pichu    
  • Yoni Abhyanga    
  • Yoni Vasti    
  • Uttara Basti    
  • Yoni Poorana    
  • Yoni Varti    
  • Kshara karma   
  • Yoni Pralepa   
  • Yoni Avagaha   
  • Matra Vasti    
  • Navajata shishu Paricarya

In our OPD we work at three different levels; screening, diagnosis (clinical examinations and investigations), treatment and prophylaxis.    Majority of the gynecological complaints are dealt with at most care by the specialists in our hospital with timely referral and integrated medical care.     
Specialty consultation in our OPD includes pain management in endometriosis, management of bleeding disorders such as DUB, fibroid etc., infectious diseases of genital area, endocrine disorders like PCOD, Pelvic organ prolapse. Apart from all these, we also offer specialized gynecological checkups that has to be done routinely.    
Specialty clinic for the management of infertility in which each couple is given special attention and their treatments are customized based on their needs by the experts in the department.    
Medical professionals in the department of OBG ensures a specialized ayurvedic approach for pre conceptional care which would be the key towards the healthy conception. We provide preconceptional care service for couples desiring natural conception and also to those who are in need of assisted reproductive techniques.    
Antenatal care focuses towards educating the pregnant woman about the physiological changes during the pregnancy and the procedure of delivery. Diet and medications purely based on ayurvedic principles are taught and advised in a customized manner in order to maintain their nutritional requirements. We give priority for the diet and exercise for postpartum women too at OPD level. We have a unique service of postpartum care in our inpatient department with individualistic approach. We give equal importance for counselling, food habits and exercise along with medications in our approach.    
Adolescent health is given prime importance with specialized adolescent counseling in terms of their physical and mental wellbeing.