Post-partum care is being practiced since ages in almost all parts of the world in their own ways. It varies and is unique according to culture, traditions and even within localities. In this video post-partum care based on Ayurvedic principles known as Sootika paricharya is explained in detail.
The term ‘Sootika’ in Ayurveda indicates a women who delivers a baby followed by placental expulsion and the process of maintaining the health and well-being of this ‘Sootika’ is known as ‘Sootika paricharya’. This generally extends to an average of 45 days. Ideally these days are known to be very critical for a women, because she revert back to the pre-pregnancy stage both mentally and physically during this period. According to Ayurveda, sootika will be under a vaata prokopa stage during this time period. Even the biological processes needs to be reverted back to the pre pregnancy stage that includes balancing the hormonal homeostasis too. Sootika paricharya includes personalized diet plan having a combinatorial and systematic approaches including routine exercises, Yoga, Panchakarma together with proper medications. All of these are outlined briefly in this video.