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Dryness of eyes or Computer vision syndrome (CVS)

Posted on Mar 16, 2020

Dryness of eyes or Computer vision syndrome(CVS) is one of the most prevalent eye conditions today. Until a few years back, it was seen mostly among IT professionals. But with the process of digitalization being implemented in all fields now a days, it is no more limited to professionals in the IT field vot also seen among bankers, clerks, accountants and even among students. The common symptoms of CVS are dryness of eyes, redness of eyes, eye strain, grittiness of eyes, headache, shoulder pain etc. The causes of these symptoms in CVS are inadequate blinking and increased metal stress. People  with increased screen time get so involved in their work that they seldom blink in the process. The most effective way to prevent and manage such a condition is to blink consciously. WHO proposes a 20-20-20 rule for such conditions according to which, one should take a break of 20 seconds every 20 minutes and focus the eyes on something atleast 20feet away. This ensures conscious blinking, thereby reducing eye strain. Application of oil on the bregma of the head everyday, ensures smooth functioning of all sense organs. Use of Anu tailam as Pratimarsha nasyam also serves the same purpose. Systematically following Dinacharya is in itself the best way to prevent diseases. 

Dryness of eyes or Computer vision syndrome

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