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Breast feeding is the Best Feeding

Posted on Mar 16, 2020

‘Both the Wellness and Illness of a baby depends on the quality of breast feeding by the nursing mother’ 
Irrespective of the geographic and cultural boundaries, mankind around the world have always stressed the importance of Breast feeding as the best feeding for the growing newborn. Along with the advancement of the socio-economic structure and cultural shifts, the priorities of young mothers have changed focus from being an exclusive home-maker to a carrier oriented woman. Subsequently, the quality and duration of breast feeding has been heavily compromised. Even in a country like India where family values are cherished, the young mothers of nuclear families lost those valuable guidances and advices on the importance of motherhood and the proper methods of pediatric health care. This has led to a mechanical goal-driven child care resulting in much compromised physical and mental health of the new generation kids. This calls for an urgent change of perspective in child rearing, taking care of the nutritional and emotional needs of the child which has to begin with a proper breast feeding practice.

Feeding of Normal babies 

  • The first feed should be offered as soon as the baby is keen to suck and the mother is well enough to suckle. This is generally possible within 1-2 hours of birth. 
  • Breast feeding provides unique health benefits both to the baby as well as the mother. 

Benefits to baby 

  • Breast milk is a complete food and it provides all the nutrients a baby needs during first 6 months of life. Breast milk is more easily digestible due to presence of special enzyme lipase and high quality of whey proteins.
  • Breast milk contains a number of anti-infective substances, protective antibodies and friendly lactobacilli, which protect the baby against development of diarrhea, respiratory illnesses and other infections (esp ear infection) 
  • Breast fed babies are less likely to suffer from allergic disorders like asthma and eczema. 
  • Breast feeding provides immunological benefits to the baby throughout the life time. 
  • Breast feeding provides emotional security and promotes close bonding between mother and her baby. 
  • Breast feeding stimulates all 5 senses of the baby ie touch, sight, smell, hearing and taste.
  • Breast fed babies are smarter and have been shown to have 8 points higher IQ and enhanced visual development. 
  • Breast fed babies are less likely to suffer from dental caries, DM, obesity, high BP, heart attacks and certain cancers during adult life. 

Benefits to the mother 

  • During breast feeding there is a release of oxytocin to eject the milk. Oxytocin promotes involution of the uterus so that there is reduced risk of bleeding and anemia during delivery.
  • Breast feeding delays ovulation and onset of menstruation which provides natural means to ensure spacing of children. 
  • Breast feeding helps to maintain and regain the pre-pregnancy body weight earlier because energy stores laid down during pregnancy are consumed faster during lactation.
  • Reduced risk of development of breast and ovarian cancer and osteoporosis.
    ‘A baby regularly fed with nutritious breast milk will be endowed with proper growth and development and increased longevity devoid of any diseases’ 

Breast feeding is the Best Feeding

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