About Ayurveda

Home About Ayurveda


Ayurveda, the health care system indigenous to India, has an impressive evolutionary history that spans a period of many thousands of years. Ayurveda  still caters to basic health care needs of a significant number of people in India, especially in areas where modern medicine has failed to offer solutions, and this seems to be the major impetus behind the resurgence of  Ayurveda  in our times.  

Ayurveda  gives us an understanding of what life is. Reminding us of the transient nature of life, this body of knowledge encourages us to discover our life span i.e., to take stock of the time at our disposal. By making us aware of factors favorable and unfavorable to sustain the life process,  Ayurveda  affirms us guidelines to carve an individualized regimen to live one’s life to the full potential. Ayurveda  admits that achievement of personal happiness is a major goal of life. But it points out that fulfillment in life comes only when achievement of personal happiness does not conflict with communal happiness but  also promotes it.

Amrita Centre for Advanced Research in Ayurveda (ĀCĀRA) Ayurveda is being increasingly accessed by people world over and has an unbroken continuity in its practice in India. 

And Development

Amrita Centre for Advanced Research in Ayurveda

Amrita Centre for Advanced Research in Ayurveda (ĀCĀRA) is a new initiative of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham at the Amrita School of Ayurveda located in the Amritapuri Campus of the institution. ĀCĀRA is inspired by the vision of Amma to provide a scientific backing for traditional medical practices and pave the way for the development of an evidence based Integrative approach to health care. Ayurveda is being increasingly accessed by people world over and has an unbroken continuity in its practice in India. More